02:36duration 2 minutes 36 seconds
CAS Dean's Favorite Places: Labyrinth
01:59duration 1 minute 59 seconds
Radio (?) Public Service Announcements (ads) for…
Radio (?) Public Service Announcements (ads) for Johnston College (60 sec. + 30 sec.)
The tape was labeled, "Johnston College PSA…
01:16:25duration 1 hour 16 minutes
Humanitarian Aid and Spatial Technologies in…
Humanitarian Aid and Spatial Technologies in Crisis 10/17/17
Over the past decade the world has experienced a…
55:12duration 55 minutes 12 seconds
The Illusion of Simplicity: The Case for Making…
The Illusion of Simplicity: The Case for Making Drones Easy to Use Part 1 3/28/17
This Presentation will address the notion that…
01:58:34duration 1 hour 58 minutes
On Demand Cities 1/27/16
The School of Architecture, Dayton Hudson Chair…
02:00:29duration 2 hours 0 minutes
The Spatial Diffusion of rDNA Methods 1/19/14
rKnowledge: The Spatial Diffusion of rDNA Methods…