Search for tag: "educational stages"

1986 Johnston Center Graduation

1986 Graduation ceremony at the Johnston Center,…

From  nicholas_sousa 29 plays 0  

Unknown content audio recording c. 1970s (sounds like a meeting), 1h5m30s

Help us identify this and the other…

From  nicholas_sousa 40 plays 0  

Public Affairs Group radio documentary of Johnston College (3 of 3), circa 1974

From  nicholas_sousa 11 plays 0  

Public Affairs Group radio documentary of Johnston College (2 of 3), circa 1974

From  nicholas_sousa 5 plays 0  

Public Affairs Group radio documentary of Johnston College (1 of 3), circa 1974

Just recently digitized, this audio recording…

From  nicholas_sousa 10 plays 0  

Radio (?) Public Service Announcements (ads) for Johnston College (60 sec. + 30 sec.)

The tape was labeled, "Johnston College PSA…

+30 More
From  nicholas_sousa 14 plays 0  

The Ethics and Economics of Job Automation Prospects and Challenges 10/9/17

More than 50% of all jobs in the US are…

From 4 plays 0  

Are Corporations People? 1/30/15

Join us as the panelists discuss Corporate Person…

+89 More
From 1 plays 0  

The Spatial Diffusion of rDNA Methods 1/19/14

rKnowledge: The Spatial Diffusion of rDNA Methods…

From 2 plays 0